Hudson James- Thielen party of four
I can hardly believe it’s been a month now since we have welcomed our second precious son into the world! Hudson James Thielen was born on 1-7-19 weighing 7lbs 15oz! What a great way to start the new year. We are so thankful for such a precious and healthy gift from God. I thought I’d share a little bit about the day of Hudson’s arrival with you all and how big brother Asher and our family has been handling everything so far.
I had a scheduled induction with Hudson three days before my due date! I chose to be induced since I was dilated and my cervix was softened enough so the doctor said I was ready to go. We went to the hospital on Monday morning January 7th around 6:30am. The doctor came in around 8:00 to break my water and started my pitocin shortly after to get things going. Luckily my labor was about half the time as Asher’s was and Hudson made his appearance at 1:42pm! Overall the labor was not as tough this time but I definitely thought I wouldn’t have had to push longer the second time around! I pushed for about double the time as Asher, which was not fun and the most exhausting thing I’ve ever done. Hudson was facing up instead of down so that’s why it was tougher getting him out. He was being a stubborn boy! It took about an hour and a half but eventually he came out and he was crying and healthy so that’s all that mattered! Pushing during labor is literally the hardest workout ever and I really wish my husband and any other guy could experience it lol (that and contractions)! Even after all that pushing, sweating, puking and other fun stuff;) it was so worth it to hold our second baby boy. We are so thankful to God that overall everything went well and Hudson and I are healthy. After your first child you kind of forget everything that happened during labor and those first special moments you see your baby. It all quickly came back to me and I remembered how special it is seeing your baby for the first time.. it’s truly the greatest feeling on earth.
Asher was with my parents while we were in the hospital and I am so thankful for their help over the last few weeks! My mom was in the delivery room when Hudson was born…as well as when Asher was born. There is just something about your mom that is comforting/calming so I was happy to have both her and Adam in the room. It was pretty special having her there for both my boys birth and am thankful that she captured some of our first moments with each boy. Even thought when I’m in pain sometimes my hubby annoys me lol but Adam did a great job cheering me on throughout the process and I’m very thankful for him.
Some pictures from the hospital are below. Thank goodness Monday night football wasn’t on this time like it was for Asher lol or Adam might have gotten kicked out of the room;)

Grandpa brought Asher to the hospital to meet his baby brother about two hours after he was born! He ran right up to Adam when he came in but was a little confused why I was holding this tiny baby who couldn’t talk to him. Asher definitely knew he had a brother coming after all the months of Adam and I telling him but I think he thought he’d come out bigger and talking/playing with him right away lol! He gave him kisses on the head and seemed to be ok with him (he even gave a big thumbs up when grandma was holding him:). Asher was a little distant from Adam and I those first few days home and really clung to grandma/grandpa. Asher has done great the last few weeks and barely notices Hudson but will do sweet things every once in awhile like cheer him on for tummy time and give him kisses and hugs before bed. Part of me can’t wait till Hudson is big enough to play with Asher but part of me wants time to stand still because I love the baby stage.
Things were tough the first couple weeks while I was still recovering and remembering how exhausting newborn life is.. plus having a two year old to take care of makes it a bit harder. It was hard not having enough energy/time to do everything with Asher like I used to. Adam had stepped up big time this first month to help out as much as he can (super thankful for him and my parents of course)! The hardest part for me mentally (especially with crazy hormones after birth) was not wanting Asher to feel like I abandoned him. Now that our family is more adjusted and I am overall recovered I can find time in between feedings and baby snuggles to get one on one time with Ash man! I am so thankful little Hudson came during the offseason so that Adam can help out a bit more even though his schedule is still all over the place. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster since Hudson’s been born. He has already been on an airplane (at 2 weeks old) to spend the week cheering on dad at the Pro Bowl. He’s already been to Disney as well (lucky baby!). Thankfully he has been such a good and easy going baby so he’s made it pretty easy on us! The past week he has only been getting up once or twice a night which is amazing for his age (especially compared to Asher who was up practically every two hours till 5 months old). We are heading to FL again in a little over a week for an NFL Christian conference and to enjoy some nicer weather and family time. I hope you all are staying warm and enjoying this lovely snow we’ve been getting;) As of now I’m just a mom trying my best to figure out how to deal with two kiddos instead of one, while getting the household chores done among other things. I have my tiring/bad days and good days just like anyone else. I just trying to remind myself that I don’t have to be perfect and that I am so blessed to have two precious sons and a loving husband. It’s good to remember that God’s got me (and you) even on my worst days:)
Some of my fav newborn pics are below. Hudson is one week old in these:)