3 Full body workout routines
Workout #1
Set 1
Push ups- 10 (on your knees to make it easier)
Arm leg jackknife- 10 each leg
Lunge pulses- 20 / followed by a 20 second hold for each leg
Around the world- 12 total
Hammer curls- 15
**Break 1 minutes
Set 2
Leg pull in- 20
Squat with leg lift- 12 each leg
Scarecrow- 12
Bicep curls- 12
RDL- 10
**Break 1 minute and then repeat both sets 3-4 times!
Set 1
Squat jumps- 20
Dolphin push ups- 12
Mountain climbers- 40
Wall squat- 1 minute hold
Boat pose- hold 1 minute (Arms can be at side or up high) (Squeeze the belly in)
**Break 1 minute
Set 2
Quick reverse lunges- 10 each leg
Tricep dips- 12 and then 12 double pulse up
Burpee- 12 (stand up if jumping is too much)
Skater jumps- 20 total
Climb the rope- 20 and then 20 toe tap pulses
** Break 1 minute and then repeat 3-4 times!
Workout #3
Set 1
Step up- 10 each leg (with or without weight)
Tricep push ups- 12 (go on knees to make it easier)
Rebound lunge- 10 each leg
Plank hold dumbbell row- 10 each side
Low squat to press- 12 (I used a 15lb dumbbell)
**Break 1 minute
Set 2
Overhead pull down- 12
Donkey kicks (12 each leg) to small pulses (10-20) & fire hydrants- 12 each leg
Squat calf raise- 20 total
Front squat- 12 (I use 20 lb dumbbell) (you can use body weight if needed, just increase reps)
One arm tricep dumbbell tricep extension- 10 each arm
** Break 1 minute and then repeat 3-4 times!
Let me know if you have any questions about the workouts! Enjoy!